Hey there! Welcome to my humble little website, I am only a day into learning how to use HTML, so if this place doesn't look like much just wait! I am sure that I'll find some really fun things to add as I learn more. Idk what brought you here but thank you for visiting. I guess now is a good time to talk a little bit more about myself. My name is Petra and I am a 25 year old transgirl just trying to make it through life. Whether it's learning a new skill for the hundredth time or going back to an old favorite, I love learning new things and creating. There is beauty to be found everywhere and there is always something to learn as long as you are willing to put the effort into it.
If you're an artist, you'll understand that sometimes it feels like you haven't created anything. Regardless of if you actually have or not that feeling sneaks up on you and will make you believe otherwise. So I want this website (currently webpage) to serve as a reminder that not only have I created, but I have also pushed content out into the world in multiple forms. Which means that this place will serve as a home to my portfolio, as well as thoughts I have on games, updates on writing projects and the sort and much much more. If you're reading this, thank you for doing so and I hope by the time this website gains some popularity, we'll be able to have more content to look through.